We could talk about Martha
We could talk about landscapes
I'm not above gossip
But I'll sit on a secret where honor is at stake
Or we could talk about power
About Jesus and Hitler and Howard Hughes
Or Charlie Chaplin's movies
Or Bergman's nordic blues
Please just talk to me
Any old theme you choose
Just come and talk to me...

We come for conversation...

Welcome to the website of the Joni Mitchell Discussion List, the original discussion list from the earliest days of the internet. This is pretty much a complete, searchable archive of the 'glory days' of the list- from the first digest on Sept 3, 1996 until the the middle of September in 2018- a good solid 22 year's worth of great discussion. Facebook and other social media have pretty much crippled this old, traditional email list- so we've decided to stop archiving and let Google take the reigns. The list archives from September 2018 on is at the Google Group link below.

One does need to join the list, still, to get the username and password in order to search.

Join the List

The JMDL was founded in September of 1996. That's a total of 10433 days old and still kickin! Head on over to the list headquarters and sign up.